Weekend Specials while they last. Roast Beef sandwich, with one side $8.95 Open Face Roast Beef Dinner $11.95 Family Style Options for the weekend Steak Tip Dinner $70 Chicken Parm Dinner $40 Mac & Cheese $35 *NEW* Shepherd’s Pie $45 OPEN UNTIL 8:30PM Friday. Don’t forget to add BEER to your order! We can DELIVER it! Give us a call 781-893-1180 or order Online (link in bio) #Waltham #takeout #delivery #moodyst #supportlocalbusiness
by Shoppers | May 1, 2020 | Shopper’s Café, Take-Out Menu
![950414306106181264683894760623007116264509n4 | Shoppers Cafe Waltham sports bar restaurant waltham ma]()
Weekend Specials while they last.
Roast Beef sandwich, with one side $8.95
Open Face Roast Beef Dinner $11.95
Family Style Options for the weekend
Steak Tip Dinner $70
Chicken Parm Dinner $40
Mac & Cheese $35
*NEW* Shepherd’s Pie $45
OPEN UNTIL 8:30PM Friday. Don’t forget to add BEER to your order! We can DELIVER it!
Give us a call 781-893-1180 or order Online (link in bio)
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